You appear solid in your recovery. Newcomers and seasoned members often seek you out.

Then you go to the office and seem to lose your mind. Frustrated, you revert to your old, default patterns of behavior. Resentments form.

You spend more time putting out fires than actually working. You explain and explain but they just don’t get it. Your best employees are going to the competitor. Referrals have dropped off. Sales are down.

And your family usually only sees you eating, sleeping or talking on the phone.

You have tried everything but nothing is working. You seem to have reached a turning point.

There Are Solutions

How We Serve You

Serene Leadership: Six-Month Group Coaching Program

Imagine being at peace when you think about work, your team, your customers and anything else that drives you crazy professionally. Transform your leadership journey in just six months with our immersive coaching program.  This program includes:

  • Targeted Leadership Topics (such as Active Listening Excellence, Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs and Goal Driven Integrity)
  • Weekly Group Coaching
  • Monthly Individual Coaching Session
  • Leadership Style Assessment

You will never feel alone in this supportive and confidential group.

Beyond Boundaries: Individual Leadership Coaching

Not comfortable in groups?? Want a more personalized experience? Get the same program as Serene Leadership Group Coaching with individualized attention in every session!

In individual leadership coaching, we drive you towards shifting your mindset, accomplishing goals, and effectively communicating. All based on a plan that we create for you together!

Confront and address micromanaging behaviors,  lead authentically (so you can banish those inside voices) and resolve conflicts to build a better team for your organization. And what you do for your professional life will change your personal relationships too!

Triple-A Leadership Formula® Membership (Summer 2024)

Awareness! Acceptance! Action! The Triple-A Leadership Formula® Monthly Membership

Want to do the work self-paced? Join the Triple-A Membership at “try me” pricing with targeted monthly challenges and values packed modules combined with an alliance of mission-based success strategies and weekly support calls to get you there. There is also special discounted pricing for the Leadership Style Assessment with membership.

You’ve done it before in recovery!

Now overcome your obstacles and change your professional life today!


Can't decide what to do next?

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