Taking Steps To Leadership Success

Leading and succeeding in the professional world is often a matter of influence and motivation. But for business professionals in long-term recovery, that might feel like the most difficult thing in the world to accomplish.

As creative and determined people in long-term recovery are, the fight for instant gratification can lead to uninspired and chaotic results.

In order to motivate and inspire, you need to be aware of your blind spots, accept present circumstances as they are, and act to make changes for success.

Fortunately, there is a solution.

I have been there. My professional journey has taken me from community counseling to sales and directorship to team management in the retail and service industries.

I have been free from addiction for more than 40 years. I felt every fear, every hesitation, and every joyful excitement both professionally and personally. And became stronger for it.

I often struggled with things not going my way and how to control my feelings. Fear and resentment kept me stuck professionally and personally.

It wasn’t until I found coaching that I finally understood how to combine what I had learned in various self-help groups with the same skills and techniques that serve professionals in major corporations.

And this is what I do with my clients every day.

Coaching for Leadership Champions!

Leadership Serenity Unlocked: Know Clearly, Act Authentically, Inspire Easily

Business today is very dynamic, its changing all the time. Understanding what it takes to be successful, particularly in leadership, can be complicated.

Even if you’re clear on what you want to do, the real challenge lies in taking decisive action rather than avoiding what can be uncomfortable.

We realize that professionals in recovery possess a unique gift, an understanding of transformation and the benefits of trusting the process.

By embracing proven leadership principles and infusing what you learned in the recovery process, you will enjoy a professional transformation similar to  what you accomplished in your  personal life.

Let’s get together and craft a strategy to start your journey towards less stress and more happiness.

Why We Do It

How We Do It

Why We Do It

Our vision is to inspire and nurture a world-wide community of business leaders in addiction recovery so they can enjoy as much joy and freedom in their professional lives as they do in in a room of recovering peers.

Then share it with others.

Our mission is to integrate basic principles of addiction recovery with proven leadership coaching techniques to give business professionals the clarity, courage and results that they crave.

We aim to cultivate resilience, authentic leadership, and a balanced approach to life, fostering lasting success and fulfillment.
